
Are you hungry for a deeper connection with the prophetic community? Look no further than the power of Facebook groups and local meetups!

In today's digital age, community groups have become a vibrant haven for believers seeking to grow in their prophetic gifting. These groups provide a safe space to share experiences, receive encouragement, and learn from seasoned prophets and fellow seekers. Imagine the beauty of connecting with like-minded individuals from different corners of the globe, united by a common passion for hearing God's voice. Through engaging discussions, prayer requests, and personal prophetic insights, you'll discover a rich tapestry of perspectives that will stretch and sharpen your prophetic abilities.

But it doesn't stop there! Local meetups take this digital connection to a tangible reality. These gatherings provide an organic opportunity to foster genuine connections with fellow prophetic individuals in your area. Whether it's through prophetic worship nights, interactive workshops, or simply gathering for coffee and fellowship, these meetups create a space for prophetic gifts to be nurtured and activated.

At Eagles Landing Prophetic Ministries, we endorse the incredible power of prophetic community on Facebook and through meetups. We believe that as we come together to pursue the prophetic call, we strengthen and encourage one another to walk boldly in our God-given destinies. So don't delay—join a Prophetic Community Facebook group today and check out local meetups in your area. Together, let's grow, learn, and experience the transforming power of the prophetic in community!

Facebook Groups

(requires subscription fees & registration - more details below)

Prophetic Mentorship - The Nest

(Women only Group)

The Nest - Remnant Women
Every month

Register here for the women's prophetic mentoring group of Eagles Landing Prophetic Ministries, led by Prophetess Heather Capuria.

✓ 10% Discount on store products
✓ Exclusive Facebook Group
✓ Special Meeting - The Haven, every 4 months

Welcome to God's Women Remnant "Nest" - A Place of Equipping and Empowerment!

🙏 "Then I heard the Lord asking, 'Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?' I said, 'Here I am. Send me.'" - Isaiah 6:8 NLT 🙏

In this sacred space, you will be thoroughly equipped and trained for the front lines of God's mission. We believe in proper preparation before spiritual warfare. This is a SAFE group where you can learn, grow, and embrace the divine calling placed upon your life.

📽️ Prophetess Heather will share insightful videos to guide and inspire you on this journey.

💝 As a token of appreciation, enjoy a 10% discount on the total price of merchandise.

🌟 Every four months, we come together in person for a HAVEN - a place of safety, refuge, and spiritual growth.

📚 Expect to receive powerful teachings, impartations, healing, deliverance, and whatever else the Holy Ghost wants to pour into your life!

Join us on this remarkable adventure of faith and purpose. Let's walk in the path that God has chosen for us. 💖🙌✨

Eagles Landing Prophetic Institute - Monthly Subscribers Group

Prophetic Institute - Monthly Subscription
Every month

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.

✓ Access to all the content
✓ Exclusive Facebook Group

This is the ongoing mentorship group for the students enrolled in the Prophetic Institute. Prophetess Heather will release prophetic words and teachings in this group. Students will also be able to collaborate and grow with their peers.

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.”

Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Benefits include-

  • All class access, including future content (If not available to do in person, can access online courses)

  • As a token of appreciation, enjoy a 10% discount on the total price of merchandise in our store.

  • Opportunities for hands on training for events (the Huddle, Haven, conferences, & more)

  • Expect to receive powerful teachings, impartations, healing, deliverance, and whatever else the Holy Ghost wants to pour into your life!

If you would like to learn more about Roots Apostolic Ministries or help financially support the work we are doing, please visit our new website -